What You Need To Know About Medicaid Redetermination
Medicaid is a lifesaver for many individuals and families, as it provides health care coverage that is otherwise unaffordable. Periodic redetermination of benefit eligibility is a necessary part of the process if you want to keep your Medicaid benefits.
How Often Is Medicaid Eligibility Redetermined?
The frequency of redetermination varies by state, but at a minimum, it is required once a year. In some states, there may be biannual or quarterly redetermination, which is typically a shorter form compared to the annual process, and it is to simply verify any income changes that may have occurred.
Who Must Complete the Redetermination Process?
Generally, anyone that receives Medicaid benefits of any sort is required to file an annual redetermination. Paperwork must be filed if you receive Medicaid for any reason including those that may not be strictly income-dependent, such as for minor children, disability, and nursing home care. For some types of Medicaid, the process is more streamlined, so the necessary filing requirements can vary depending on the type and reason for receiving Medicaid.
What Personal Documentation Is Required?
Documentation mainly consists of information on household income and the age and occupations of all those in the household that are receiving benefits. In the event that Medicaid is being issued for a short-term disability, you may also be required to submit documentation of ongoing disability and treatment. You will be provided with a letter detailing the specific information that is necessary for your case.
How Does One File the Paperwork?
Filing varies by state. In some states, filing is completed automatically using public tax and income statements. You will only be contacted if the Medicaid office requires more information. In other states, you will be provided with notice well in advance of the due date. Filing can typically be done by mail or online. Copies of documentation, such as income statements, may need to be sent to the Medicaid office.
Is There Help for Filing the Documents?
Fortunately, if you need help filing your redetermination documentation, many healthcare providers provide in-office assistance for submitting documentation. Your local Department of Human Health Services should also have assistance available. You can also reach out to local senior assistance organizations or your public library to find help. For difficult cases, there are Medicaid lawyers available that can provide further assistance.
For more information on Medicaid redetermination, contact an assistance program in your area today.